Have you ever wondered how a holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Christ also became synonymous with colored eggs and a giant bunny? We’ll explore the history of Easter a bit, talk about what we can do to celebrate Easter in 2021, and give you a few cool gift ideas for the holiday as well.
This will be another strange holiday, with people all over the US in various stages of COVID restrictions, but that’s another chance for us all to be creative in how we celebrate.
A Brief Explanation About Easter Traditions

The now highly commercial Easter holiday was born of a combination of religious and non-religious traditions that celebrate life. Many church-goers know Easter as a celebration specifically of the resurrection of Jesus. Many people attend religious services and put an emphasis on family and prayer on this day.
At the same time, many of our most beloved Easter traditions actually come from centuries-old celebrations of the start of spring. Eggs represent new life; rabbits and baby chicks are signs of Spring.
So if you’ve ever wondered what resurrection and hunting for pastel-colored eggs have in common, now you know.
How Will We Celebrate Easter In 2021?
The date of Easter changes each year because it’s tied to the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring equinox. This year, it falls on April 4th. While typically a special time for family gatherings and fancy dinners, both last year and this year, Easter has been upstaged by COVID-19.

Last year at this time, we had just started our strict lockdowns and could only celebrate with our immediate families, those that live in our homes. This year, while we forge ahead with vaccinations, some restrictions have been lifted, but we still need to be careful. We might get to see more of our family members this year than last, and some small Church services could still take place. Large events are still on hold as the virus is still alive and well this Easter.
Small family dinners with baked ham and all the fixings are still going to be a great way to celebrate Easter this year. You can still decorate and hide eggs at home, even though large Easter egg hunts will most likely be closed. Finally, if you have children, you can create fun Easter baskets full of candies and gifts to delight them on Easter morning. Just make sure that big bunny wears his mask when he visits!
Easter Gift Ideas For Women and Men
While the kids get their baskets of goodies, let's not forget mom and dad! Here are a few gift ideas for the ladies and gents this Easter:
For Her:

He Walks With Me Bracelet: Inspirational bangles with twisted stainless steel bands, an ornate cross, and a stamped quote.

John 3:16 Charm Bangle: This delicate bracelet includes silver religious charms such as a cross and angel wings. The main focus is a lovely stamped and cut-out verse John 3:16. “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
For Him:

Men’s Stainless Steel Cross Ring: Heavy silver steel band with a black background, circles, and crosses. Tarnish-free and built to last.

Unisex Cross Lava Beads: This bracelet is made to be worn by men or women with a black waxed cord, black beads, and silver crosses. This also makes a great teen gift.
We hope this Easter finds you and your family well. With any luck, this will be the final pandemic-Easter, with things getting back to normal next Spring!